The 3 Most Effective and Natural Ways to Treat Constipation


Constipation is a very common issue that most people will experience at some point in their lives. For women, it can be more common during pregnancy or postpartum. It is extremely important to avoid straining and constipation in order to avoid pelvic floor issues like hemorrhoids, prolapse and pain.

While there are many different solutions out there, and nothing beats talking to your doctor about your specific health needs, below are the three most simple and effective ways to keep your stool soft, well-formed, and regular.

These tips are natural, cheap, and easy and safe!


#1. Hydration

As food moves through our large intestines the water is pulled out and used by our body. If you don’t drink enough water, your stool will become hard, which will make it more difficult to pass.

  • Water intake recommendations are just that-recommendations. How much water an individual actually needs is based on several factors including body size, age, sex, activity level etc.

  • As a general guideline, the Institute of Medicine recommends 9 cups of fluid per day for women, 10 cups if you are pregnant, and 12 cups if you are breastfeeding!

  • Men need about 13 cups per day.


#2 Fiber

Eating fiber helps to bulk your stool, make it softer and easier to pass. Without enough fiber your poops can be sticky or slow moving, or it could be watery.

Other excellent benefits of getting enough fiber:

  • Lowers bad cholesterol levels

  • Improved regulation of blood sugar

  • Healthier gut bacteria

How much fiber do you need?

  • 21-25 grams for women

  • 30-38 grams for men


#3. Exercise

The more you move, the healthier your digestive system.

Exercise will help keep your bowels regular. Cardio is best but any movement is better than none. Just try to be habitual with it- the bowels love routine. Pick a time to go for a regular walk and stick with it, try walking before you would like to have a bowel movement, for example first thing in the morning or after dinner in the evening.

Kaeli Gockel